Saturday, January 26, 2008

I think I have found my informant, she is going to be my 18 year old niece, spoke to her parents about the whole project to her parents and they had no objections. Since they are having an extremely difficult time adjusting between typically traditional Indian setting to the more western Americanised one.
Also, I have a thirteen year old son and he has friends around that age, I was thinking to add the difficulties, discrepencies I am facing with him in our daily lives in this assignemnt, just to bring in a better insight into the worlds of 13 & 18 year olds.
Probably, after being with an 18 year old will give me totally a different outlook to life, which is a little different to the one I grew up with.

1 comment:

Professor Rubenstein said...

Perfect choice Jasmina. I wanted to get a teen and the adaptation question. And using your son as a key informant is a great idea.